Binance – the best site to make money online in 2021 | Review

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange created in 2017, the year of the first crypto boom. What everyone knows is that Binance is the leading cryptocurrency buying and trading platform. What many do not know or ignore, however, is that Binance is much more than a simple exchange, but it offers an ocean of possibilities, even for those who do not love and do not want to trade. This incredible platform satisfies the needs of many: those who want to trade (crypto, even the newest tokenized shares), those who want to obtain a guaranteed passive income, those who want to test and receive new free tokens, those who make affiliate marketing, developers and soon artists who want to sell their NFTs. Binance owns its own cryptocurrency, the Binance Coin, which is the third most capitalized cryptocurrency, which in addition to offering you a stable return and earning opportunities, allow you to save on transaction fees.

Are you new to the world of cryptocurrencies? No problem. Binance offers you the opportunity to study in the Binance Academy, one of the most complete free guides on cryptocurrencies, blockchain and trading, which contains almost 300 articles in 21 different languages, with which you can satisfy your curiosity by expanding your knowledge. Binance is an ever-expanding universe and it is no coincidence that it is number one, a project at the forefront of the world of cryptocurrencies for presence and innovation. If you want to make money in 2021, you cannot exclude Binance from your activities. Create your account now >>




Binance is the largest exchange in the world by trading volume. It offers around 400 trading pairs between Spots, Derivatives and Futures. The first Stock Tokens (or tokenized shares) have recently been launched. Stock tokens follow the trends of the shares and can pay you dividends like normal shares. An absolute novelty that makes crypto / shares exchange possible for the first time. The first stock token to be listed was Tesla. Coinbase, Microsoft, Apple Inc and Microstrategy Incorporated were later added.



In order to start trading on Binance you will need to top up your account. If you already own cryptocurrencies, you can charge your by going to WALLET >> WALLET SPOT, choosing the cryptocurrency to deposit and send it the to the deposit address that will be provided to you.

If you have never owned cryptocurrencies, you can easily buy them from the site, either by card or by bank transfer.

The Binance trading experience meets the needs of all types of users, offering both advanced tools and simplified and intuitive tools for beginners. The simplest way to make an exchange is the CONVERT function, in which through a form you select the currency pair with which you want to make the exchange



Binance allows you to trade with leverage and trade on the derivatives market with up to 125x leverage. Futures trading can bring big gains, but also big losses. We advise you not trade without experience and in any case to read the guide in the Binance Academy.



Binance Coin (BNB) is the official Binance token, initially born on the Ethereum blockchain, then “migrated” to the native blockchain, the Binance Chain. One of the cryptocurrencies that has shown more stability over time, with constant growth and without the excessive fluctuations that have instead characterized the life of Bitcoin. Binance Coin is a valid investment, because it is connected to an expanding universe that work on the Binance blockchain.


What makes Binance Coin so special? In addition to being a relatively stable token, it allows you to pay your trade fees using Binance Coin saving 25% from each trade. Furthermore, Binance Coin has numerous uses that can multiply your earning possibilities:

  • FARMING: through the Binance lauchpool, you can support the launch of new tokens by staking your Binance coins. Farming allows you to get new tokens without buying them on the market, receiving a portion of tokens every hour based on your contribution. At the end of the farming period you will get back all your Binance Coins without commissions. You can keep the new token or sell it on the market.
  • STAKING: you can receive a passive income of over 20% annually on your Binance Coins. Just move your coins to Trust Wallet, a smartphone wallet owned by Binance. If you are not planning to spend or sell Binance Coins, don’t miss this opportunity.
  • EARN WITH DEX: decentralized exchanges (DEX) are an interesting new frontier. There are tons of DEXs built on the Binance Smart Chain, such as PancakeSwap, which allow you to provide liquidity to currency pairs, and Binance Coin is often an important benchmark. Providing liquidity allows you to obtain significant rewards, even over 200% annually.


Binance Coin opens the doors to other opportunities and is therefore a very precious and inevitable asset to keep in your wallet. Its numerous uses give great stability to this token. Do you want to earn BNB for free? Try Betfury




Don’t like trading? No problem. Binance offers many earning opportunities even for those who simply want cryptocurrencies to own or want to obtain a passive income wiht no risk. You can start multiplying your assets thanks to tools you will find in Binance Earn:


  • STAKING AND SAVINGS: In this section you will find numerous investment and saving possibilities, with flexible or fixed terms. Earnings with fixed or flexible terms give you the opportunity to get interest on the cryptocurrencies you decide to block. The percentages on an annual basis can be very high and interest is credited daily. If you invest in flexible instruments, you can withdraw your crypto at any time. In the fixed terms, however, the cryptocurrencies will have to remain blocked for a minimum duration of days. If you do not want to spend the cryptocurrencies purchased, earning interest on your assets is certainly an excellent solution to see your portfolio increase over time.
  • LAUNCHPOOL: as we anticipated in the previous paragraph, this Binance function allows you to get new cryptocurrencies being launched simply by staking Binance Coin, BUSD (Binance’s stable coin) or other tokens. All you have to do is put your crypto in a pool to support the farming and distribution of the new cryptocurrency. Every hour you will receive a fraction of the new token. Once the pre-launch period is over, your staked coins will return to your balance along with the new token. You can terminate your participation at any time. A very interesting way to bet on new tokens without buying them.



  • HIGH RISK PRODUCTS: Unlike the other two products, here you will find products such as Liquid Swap, DeFi staking or double investment, which offer no guarantee or certain return. The volatile trend of the prices can cause the yields of these products to vary and their use is recommended only for more experienced users. However, before using these tools, Binance will show you video tutorials and take a multiple choice test.



If you like to make money through affiliations, Binance’s partner program offers you a good earning opportunity. In a context where many people are approaching cryptocurrencies and trading, the Binance affiliation can be a very good opportunity. You will receive up to 40% of the fees paid by your affiliates for the transactions they make on Binance. Finding active traders to introduce to Binance can be a remarkably fruitful activity that we recommend you to join. We often go on the hunt for miracle programs that soon turn in scams, when it would be enough to simply promote the Binance affiliation.




For a long time, one of the most boring things about spending your cryptocurrencies was the conversion process. With Binance Visa Card you no longer need to convert your cryptocurrencies to make purchases, but you have a valid solution connected to your cryptocurrency wallet. Transfer cryptocurrencies from the spot wallet to the card wallet and use them whenever and wherever you want. The Binance Card is free and will not charge you any fees for its use. Indeed, you can get up to 8% cashback on your purchases!



This short and non-exhaustive introductory guide provides an overview of above all the revenue opportunities related to Binance. However, there are other products that satisfy different niches like developers, companies and professionals that want to develop blockchain projects. Binance is a world to explore, it is a reference point for the crypto world, always looking for new products to offer to its customers. Recent news, for example, is the announcement that the NFT marketplace will be launched in June, another expanding market that will surely reach a real boom thanks to Binance. If you are a digital artist, we recommend you to keep your eyes on this important launch.



In short, Binance is a site that manages to satisfy different niches of users and offers numerous earning opportunities. If you want to make money in 2021, Binance is certainly a platform to study carefully and from which you can be able to make a significant profit, even passively. And don’t forget to buy Binance Coins, a coin destined to grow along with the entire Binance’s ecosystem and which will compete fiercely, both with Bitcoin and Ethereum.


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